My little escape. - Ellie Marie

My little escape.


If you've already read my last post, you will know that sometime this month I went on a little "getaway" to Portugal with my mum (you probably didn't know that bit *cheeky little wink*).
The journey to Portugal wasn't the most pleasant, firstly because it was coach after coach, after coach; so you can get a rough idea, we set of from home at 3:30 mid-day and arrived in Faro, Portugal at 2:20AM. 
I did manage to get the TINIEST bit of sleep between stops, but it didn't help that the seats were pretend leather and slippy and there were chatty teenagers passing mobile phones back and forth above my head.
When we arrived in Faro they "dumped" us at a bus stop, it wasn't even what you'd call a bus station, they just dumped you on a random street of Faro. 
So at this point, me and mum are stranded on a country that we've never been to with barely any signal, loads of drunk men and THANK GOD a bit of internet. After walking around through these streets, literally crapping ourselves for about half an hour, we arrive at this B&B we were supposed to be staying at that night, only to arrive and the man say that we hadn't booked correctly, and we weren't supposed to arrive until the day after! 
So after a bit of non-Portuguese talking we manage to get a room and sleep our worries away until the day after when we catch a bus to Olule where my cousin and auntie meets us and takes to the villa we are supposed to be staying in.
Now this, is when everything goes up hill. 
The villa was beautiful and the decor was on point and was surrounded by beautiful views, with an amazing pool and I loved the quality time I got to spend with my family after all these years.

If you would like to know more of what I did and more of the good side of my journey, or even the horrible return home leave a cheeky comment and let me know!

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