My favorite month. - Ellie Marie

My favorite month.


Hey! It seems like forever since I wrote up a blog post as all the previous are pre-written ... oops! But today the topic is "my favorite month" and am I the only one who doesn't have a favorite month? Each month is unique and I love each one for its individual quirks and wow that sounds so cliche, but aren't I right? I love October for Halloween, November for leaves falling, December for Christmas, January for all those "new year revolutions" and so on, is that only me?
I guess if I had to pick a favorite month, I would go for July, not only is it the month of my Birthday (something I am never quite excited about) but it is also a very happy month, it just seems very jolly and summery with all the warmth and positive vibes. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe its only me that thinks like that.

What is your favorite month of the year?

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