My OCD habits. - Ellie Marie

My OCD habits.



   Hi lovelies! So todays blog topic is "OCD habits" and believe me, I have a LOT! This morning whilst sat having my breakfast I was thinking about this post and how I was going to put in to words all my habits, but hopefully I shall manage!
          For as long as I remember, I have always been a bit OCD, although not enough to tidy my room. It is more the little things that annoy me such as going to the supermarket and taking a box of cereal from the front meaning they are not all in line or sat eating on a squared patterned table cloth and my plate not being centered, or placing my cup on a coaster and it not being completely centered. Weird and unusual things like that.
          Have you got many OCD habits if any at all? Let me know about them, I think they are so interesting!

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