Lets have a catch up.
19:54On my blog recently, all I have posted have been product publicity placement and review posts (my gosh, that was a mouthful). Today I thought I would do a little more of a chatty up-to-date post where we can just have a little catch-up chat, for those who aren't up to date with my vlogs (yes, those couple of videos I have actually uploaded in the past fortnight to my vlogging channel) and just to put you up to date about what I have been up to recently.
To start off, it has been a stressful and emotional fortnight, a very stressful one indeed. Due to family issues my mum had to go back to the UK on a one way ticket, that in itself is a stress alarm, but, I stayed with my brother and dad. The two most... unpractical? I don't think that is the exact word, more like useless men on earth.
Whilst mum was away, I was a busy bum and managed to paint her whole room, buy her new bedding and a box full of birthday prezzies (but shush, that last one is still a secret) and I also made a little 'update' in bathroom decor. Onto what I achieved for myself, I bought myself one of the cutest Primark sweatshirts and it was a bargain and I also only went and got myself the bloody Canon 1200D but to my devastation I still haven't received the charger, as you will know if you are up to date on my Twitter. I did actually upload one video filmed on said camera (cheeky link here) but the entire thing is out of focus. If you own the Rebel T5/Canon 1200D and you know what setting to put it on when filming a YouTube video, please tell me, it would be of massive help!
That isn't all, when mum came back, she brought me some goodies such as Chocolate Buttons and Flakes (if you know about my flake addiction, you know me) and more goodies from my uncle such as a tripod, and two optical zooms! How amazing is he? *insert heart eyes*

The more I continue writing this post, the more I want to play around with my new stuff so I better shush myself up now! In a way, I guess this post is an apology for getting your expectations up and then not uploading a video in over a week, and on the other hand, I just wanted to get you as excited as I am over whats next to come over my social media platforms with my new things. I know I have given you a lot of false hopes over this past couple of months about what is to come throughout my content, but this time I promise I am upping the game big style!