My favorite bloggers. - Ellie Marie

My favorite bloggers.


Blogging is something I have been doing on a non-regular basis for almost two years now, and although personally, I think it is quite hard to gain recognition here, I also think that it is a non competitive platform unlike most others at this moment.

Maybe I haven't explored the 'blogging industry' enough, maybe I just haven't come across obviously competitive people yet, maybe I'm right or maybe I'm oblivious. Even if I am all of the previous, today I am going to share with you some of my favorite bloggers at the moment and from them of who I gain most inspiration when I need it.

Lydia Elise Millen is a beautiful fashion Blogger and YouTuber from Northampton (I believe but correct me if I'm wrong) in England. She and her boyfriend Ali Gordon both own amazing fashion blogs with a few fitness posts added in from time to time. I have followed Lydia on social media for over a couple of years now, but only recently did I get addicted to her content. Both her and Ali's photography and Instagram feed skills are amazing. If you are looking for a very 'professional', clean and minimalist blog to follow you should definitely check them out.
Victoria Magrath also known as InTheFrow is an amazing writter and it really shines through among her blog. Not only that, she is absolutely stunning. In one of her recent posts she collaborated with Ted Baker and oh my, I am in love with the photos of her with the blonde short bob, doesn't she look like Becky of Coronation Street? Please don't tell me I'm the only one who sees the obvious resemblance!
Hannah Maggs is another blogger who's blog I love to give a read from time to time. I have made a YouTube video for Hannah and her family in the past and I have forever been in love with little Gracie. Here's a link to her blog, but here is also a link to the YouTube channel for which both Hannah and her husband Stef create amazing content each week with really well put together weekly vlogs with some mammoth photography skills and great silky montages (If you watch their videos already, you will see what I did there *wink wink*).

Emily Bashforth is another great blogger who's blogs are really frequent and well written. I feel like Emily writes for everyone, every age group, every personality kind and every genre. Throughout her blog you can find humor posts, fashion posts to more serious posts such as mental illnesses.

Have you already heard of these bloggers? If not, you definitely should give them a go. Who knows? They might become your favorites!

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