H is for Horses.


Somewhere behind the person I've become when I am with a horse is the hours of practice, the trainers that have pushed me, the money I've spent, the miles I've hacked, the sweat, the tears, the blood, the blisters, the ripped jeans, the lame horse, the crazy horse, and everything in between... There is the kid who fell in love with the sport, the horse, the lifestyle and never looked back.
Not everyone can trust their life with a 1200 lb animal but fearlessness takes over my body when I climb onto their back because I know they will take care of me like I've promised to always take care of them. Together we are unstoppable, invincible even, so effortless. No place feels more at home than sat, riding on a horses back, on top of the world. The excitement a horse brings me makes me feel as though I'm a kid again for with every step puts my mind to ease. Such a gentle animal, yet so incredibly strong.
This year I have ridden almost every day, trecked almost every mountain near and met some of the most amazing people. I have so many things I am grateful to these animals for.

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