Brite Organix Unboxing. - Ellie Marie

Brite Organix Unboxing.


 Dying my hair a 'daring' colour has always been a think I've wanted to do but never had the confidence to, so when  Brite Organix gave me the opportunity to try out their temporary/one day hair dyes, I jumped at the chance! 
          When said that, I never thought they were going to send me a HUGE box of goodies all the way from Australia! With that said I thought 'what better could I do to say a massive thanks to all the team at Brite Organix for this amazing box?' so here I am showing off their amazing products throughout all my social medias as I am not going to try out their actual hair dyes until this summer! 
          So without further interruption lets get straight into the products and have a little chit-chat about them! 

          First of all I received the Brite on trend Body Jewels and again I want to keep these for the summer because I think they will make some amazing Instagram pics along side an amazing tan and a cute bikini.

           As to actual hair dye products, I received three types: the Make me pastel pink shampoo and conditioner, the One Day Colour Mousse both in pink and purple and a pink and purple Hair Chalk which I forgot to take a photo of although you can actually see them in the corner (sorry!).

          They also sent me these amazing in trend pom-poms for my handbag that are super soft, smell amazing and I am totally obsessed with!

          Moving on to more jewelry things they sent me this stylish ring that either Rihanna or Alesha Dixon would totally suit!

          And lastly they sent me a load of hearts followed by these amazing earrings that I am not allergic to! I have yet not found any earrings that don't give me an allergic reaction so as you can imagine I have already worn every single pair! 

          And that is everything out of this amazing package! Thank you so much to all the team at Brite Organix, I can't thank you enough! I will leave a link HERE to their website and I definitely suggest you go and check them out! 

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