Brite Organix Unboxing.
Dying my hair a 'daring' colour has always been a think I've wanted to do but never had the confidence to, so when Brite Organix gave me the opportunity to try out their temporary/one day hair dyes, I jumped at the chance!
When said that, I never thought they were going to send me a HUGE box of goodies all the way from Australia! With that said I thought 'what better could I do to say a massive thanks to all the team at Brite Organix for this amazing box?' so here I am showing off their amazing products throughout all my social medias as I am not going to try out their actual hair dyes until this summer!
So without further interruption lets get straight into the products and have a little chit-chat about them!
First of all I received the Brite on trend Body Jewels and again I want to keep these for the summer because I think they will make some amazing Instagram pics along side an amazing tan and a cute bikini.
As to actual hair dye products, I received three types: the Make me pastel pink shampoo and conditioner, the One Day Colour Mousse both in pink and purple and a pink and purple Hair Chalk which I forgot to take a photo of although you can actually see them in the corner (sorry!).
Moving on to more jewelry things they sent me this stylish ring that either Rihanna or Alesha Dixon would totally suit!
And lastly they sent me a load of hearts followed by these amazing earrings that I am not allergic to! I have yet not found any earrings that don't give me an allergic reaction so as you can imagine I have already worn every single pair!
And that is everything out of this amazing package! Thank you so much to all the team at Brite Organix, I can't thank you enough! I will leave a link HERE to their website and I definitely suggest you go and check them out!