Those 'Internet famous peeps'.
08:30 Throughout these past couple of years I have been noticed online by quite a few 'internet famous' people, and may I say it is an indescribable amazing feeling, it is kind of like adrenaline mixed with ten kilos of happiness and it is a feeling that personally never wares down.
Said this, today I thought I would round up all the times I've been noticed online so when reading back through this post I can possibly feel the rush of adrenaline/happiness all over again.
My first ever 'noticed by famous person experience' was from an Instagram famous girl called Alexis [@therealblasian] I remember her spamming all my photos of my personal Instagram with likes and comments and then her following me and since then we have this cute little relationship and even know she still phases to amaze me both with her beauty and her way to make me smile.
December 2014 I got noticed by Aston Merrygold aka my heroe. Since they auditioned for the XFactor I have always been a massive fan of JLS so when I woke up at 5AM to a follow and a bunch of notifications the first thing my instincts made me do was scream before running into my parents room to tell them (only to get a "ok" as a response).
Mid 2014 I really got into YouTube and editing so I started a YouTube account where I would make edits of YouTubers that I loved and this is when I got noticed by Hannah Maggs and Stef Michalak after making two video edits for them and also from Alfie Deyes after he saw my edit.
Moving on to 2015 (the 14th of January to be exact) it all started off with James Yammouni out of The Janoskians following me on Twitter after me tweeting him about wanting to be his girlfriend *cringe*.
Also during this month I was noticed by Foxilla aka Rebecca Fox on Tumblr, twice by Romeo Lacoste (a famous tattoo artist) and Sam Pottorf.
Obviously I can't forget about the time Poppy Deyes's boyfriend Sean noticed me!
During the end of 2015 I got noticed by a few other 'Internet famous people" such as JJ from Union J on Instagram and George Shelley on Twitter just before he joined I'm a Celeb and on the 14th of December (14 is my lucky day) I got followed and faved by Jakey Boys on Twitter and Adam Waithe faved!
(That is also without forgetting the time Jake Boys and his girlfriend Emily Canham liked a load of edits I made for them on Instagram!)
Now in 2016 this 'thing' still hasn't died down as on the 15th I was noticed by Gabriella Lindley (twice in one day) after me tweeting her about my weird dreams...
And to finish off, last but not least my fave Vogue model Diego Barrueco who I have been stalking on a daily basis for years faved my tweet!
Now a question for you, have you ever been noticed by a famous/internet famous person? If so, who and if not, who would you love to get noticed by?