18:30 So, we're done with 2015. New year, new stuff happening. In January I found myself reflecting on the past year as well as thinking about whats to come. There's a lot of stuff I want to achieve this year and as much as its exciting, its kind of scary.
For starters I want to eat better, not just say "I will eat better." I want to walk and exercise and get out and about more, although I think everyone probably says that.
I want to document moments better and get better at keeping the important ones.
I want to try and make time for friends and other people. I wasn't good at that last year.
I want to make something that actually means something and something I actually like.
And I want to stick to my YouTube upload schedule.
I suppose, above all I just want to be happy, I want my friends, my family, you guys, just everyone to be happy. Lot of shitty things happened through 2015 worldwide so I just hope 2016 is a better year. For everyone.