Meet my best friend. - Ellie Marie

Meet my best friend.


          Yes, meet my best friend. Inspired by Róisin who is a Instagram Blogger (link is here, you should deffo check her out!) I have decided to start a Blog Challenge and I am doing the 52 Week Blog Challenge in hope that it inspires me to blog more, be more active here on my blog, and hopefully do it till the end! 
          That said let me introduce you to my best friend Laila. Why Laila and not Jack I hear you scream? Because he is a little bugger and because I have been brought up with Laila although I do totally adore them both.

          Laila is a six year old dalma-bob or a bob-nation, whichever of both floats your boat the most. Her mummy who sadly passed away at birth of Laila and her eight siblings was a lovely bobtail and her pappy Luck, is the most handsome and kindest dalmatian I have ever met.
          I remember the day we got Laila as if it was yesterday and I shall never forget it. I don't know what else I can say about y bestie apart from the fact she loves tennis balls, walks on the beach, eating bread and Jack. Oh, and she would never hurt a fly!
          For those who are wondering why Laila, a dog is my best friend and not a human person is simply the fact that she has never let me down unlike the human species, she was there for me at the toughest time of my life and she's always the one to make me smile, even when I'm annoyed at her as she creeps up to me looking at me sheepishly with her blue eye as if saying "are you really that annoyed at me?"
          Basically, Laila isn't a bitch like most girls. Don't get me wrong, not all girls are bitches, but in high school 80% or more are. High school breeds bitches and that's why I hate it but that's a whole different story.

          Does anyone else have a dog as a best friend or is that just me?

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