My favorite holiday. - Ellie Marie

My favorite holiday.


          As I have lived in Spain for around twelve years now, I do no longer need to travel to find the sun, it is almost always here so I barely leave the country unless it is to see my family.
          Last year as you probably know if your a consistent reader of my blog or follow me on my social medias, me and mum traveled twice, once to Granada, a city of Spain and to Portugal, where we stayed in a Villa with my Aunty, Uncle and cousin.
          Granada was probably the trip that made me decide that I wanted to travel ten times more and Portugal was the trip I most enjoyed.

           These are some photos from Loulé and our villa in Portugal. The villa was amazingly decorated and I have some amazing memories of me, my cousin and uncle pranking my mum and aunt with toad noises that they thought were real toads, or when the lady at the cafe kept taking them behind the bar thinking they wanted ice creams when they wanted coffee's, or even the time she asked us where we were staying and my cousin told me to say "Just out here and to the North" and so I did.
           All in all it was an amazing trip and the eighteen hour road trip was totally worth it. Road trip you ask? No, there aren't direct flights from Spain to Portugal as weird as that sounds.
           Now its your turn, what was your favorite holiday? 

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