An unforgettable day in my life.
17:47 Well, I am still going strong at week 8 of the challenge but there is one problem, I am hoping my one 'unforgettable day' is yet to come, because yes, obviously there are lots of days I remember and that are 'unforgettable' but they are crap (sorry but that's the only word that defines them) they are either unforgettable because they are crap, or unforgettable because they are embarrassing.
Maybe in a future I will look back at this post and laugh at how sad my life used to be, who knows. I could tell you about my first kiss, my first boyfriend, the awkwardness in them are very high, what would you like me to tell you about?
Let me know what you want to know about and I will write that, but for now I am going to leave this post like this, and then I am going to create an unforgettable day.