Another you do you.
14:15 Today I don't really have a topic of blog, or a title for this blog, I don't even know if I'll finish writing it, or for that matter, if it will even make it to the immense world of the internet.
Recently I have been having a lot of time to myself, a lot of reflecting time and a lot of negative thoughts and comments, both from myself and other people.
This is going to be quite a 'mishmash' as I have a lot of thoughts and opinions among various subjects and I don't even know how to type them out to make sense, but I'm going to try my best *forces a Alexis Renn puppy face smile*.
So first things first (I'm really trying my best to not add the, 'I'm the realest') I want to mention the fact that about a month ago I was doubting on the thought of quitting YouTube. The reason I had this 'thought' was partially down to a couple of negative comments. Not about my YouTube, but about myself. These two girls were having digs at my personality, my accent, my physical appearance and so on. I know I should ignore the hateful comments, block and report or whatever may be the case, but instead I answered to them. Not in an ignorant way, not in a insulting way. Mostly, in a sarcastic way. Although that didn't work. One of the girls was/is so immature that she couldn't sense that what I was saying was ironic, instead she thought I was being serious. Anyway, long story short I ended up blocking said girls and not hearing anything from them since.
Later on, maybe a week after this, I was live on Younow when my brother walked in my room and was like 'Guess what, I've been watching your YouTube' and then I got the 'aren't you embarrassed?' questions and so on and I just thought it was going to be a never ending cycle from him and his girlfriend taking the mickey out of me. I was wrong. Since then he has been really supportive of me and my YouTube and even intrigued about it and he keeps on giving me advice on how I could make it better, etc.
This said, I am really glad I chose not to quit my channel as it is one of the only things I am inspired in at the moment.
I don't know where I am going with this post or what the point is of it, but I just want to tell you, that you should do what you love and enjoy. You do you, and let everyone else do their own. If there is something you love and enjoy, do it and show everyone how good you are at it. If they love you, they'll accept it and if they hate on you, they're probably just jealous. This may sound pretty cliche or pretty selfish, but lets put it this way; if you are going to live your life on other peoples comments, opinions or even Instagram likes, are you seriously going to ever be yourself? Maybe the journey won't be the easiest but Zoella didn't become an Internet Sensation without receiving negative comments and grief. Jessie J didn't become the amazing singer she is without having to battle the bullies at school. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that everyone has their background stories, their issues and their passions and everyone should be accepted for who they are and what makes them happy.
Just be yourself and be happy, or as the beautiful Vicky Pattison once said,
"At the end of the day, I'd rather be hated for being myself than loved for something I'm not."
YouTube is now part of me, so if you like it good, and if you don't, tough.
I also want to say sorry for this post being all over the place, there are lots of points I want to make and I think I might of confused you but hey, that Vicky quote is pretty awesome *awkward wink*.