My biggest pet peeve.
18:12 My biggest pet peeve... The problem is, I find so many things annoying I don't think I stick at one pet peeve so I'm going to make a little list of the things/kinds of people I hate the most.
- People who block the aisle at a supermarket with their trolley and don't move out of the way to let you through. These people are so so annoying that sometimes, if I'm in that mood I just play Go Carts and smash my trolley into theirs. #WhoCares
- Getting to the queue at the supermarket and whoever you are with looks at you and says "oh I forgot the milk" or "I'll be one minute" and runs off as if they're is no tomorrow and you just stand there nervously for like 10 minutes looking around for them to come back although you are nowhere near being served. I feel your pain my friends, I feel you.
- People who NEVER arrive on time/Spanish people's timing. Okay so I don't know if this is a worldwide problem or if it is just something the Spanish people do (I don't want to offend anyone so lets say '98% of Spanish do'). My landlord for example, can ring at 10AM and be like "hey, I'll be at your house in 20 minutes I've got some stuff to bring up" then, 20 minutes go by and there is no landlord to be seen until like 2PM and then he randomly appears. Another timing struggle that people has is "What time are you picking me up?" and that must be the most difficult question ever because the answer is "after I've eaten" AS IF I KNOW WHAT TIME YOU EAT AT MY DARLING. Everyone eats at different times, everyone poop's at different times of day, how on earth do I know when you eat? So then, clever me thinks "I'll ask the mother aka the driver" so I do, and the answer is "you get ready and we'll pick you up once we've eaten" okay, great, round of applause people, round of applause.
- People on YouNow that ask me to quote things. If you want a parrot, go buy yourself one.
- When your brother/ family member/ house mate says "come here, quick!" and you use your time and effort to go and all they say is "oh, nothing" or "oh, I've done it now" those people are so annoying.
- Periods and no, not time periods.
- Old people on public transport. Yes, of course old people are and should be allowed on public transport, but why when I stand up to allow you to use my seat and sit down do you beg me to sit back down and claim you are fine when you are clearly not, just take my offer, PLEASE.
- School and teachers.
- People who's only job is to email you back and they still can't do that in time.
- People who take as long texting back as you would sending a card.
- People who sit on their phones (no, not literally sat on their phones but sat staring at their phones) when you are having a meal/family meal or just simply when sat in a car. Okay, don't talk to them, but talk to me, your making it awkward.
- People who bring up the past. Constantly.
Can you relate to any of these annoying things? If not, what on earth does annoy you?