My favorite book. - Ellie Marie

My favorite book.


          So today's topic of typing is my favorite book and do I have one? I don't think I do... As with films I don't really have a favorite, there are different ones I appreciate in different ways and for different reasons.
          If I really had to dwindle it down to two favorites they would definitely be Zoe Sugg's Girl Online books (as if you didn't see that coming) and After written by Anna Todd.
          These are two different but very similar types of books I don't want to get into detail about anything regarding any of these as I don't want to give anything away if you are wanting to give them a read.

(not my photo)
          I am going to say is that I am now aware of the fact that After was written based around the boys from One Direction, and if you know me, you know I am not a massive fan of them but I still totally recommend Anna Todd's books as so far, I have loved all of them.
          That said, sorry my posts have been shorter recently, I will try and add some longer ones in here and their when I have time and, quickly before I go, are their any books you recommend me giving a read? I do like reading when I have time and with summer just over a month away I can't wait to get stuck in to some amazing books!

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