Biotin & Collagen empties - Ellie Marie

Biotin & Collagen empties


Recently, I have been reviewing quite a variety of hair care products, so as I have finally used up my Biotin & Collagen newbies, I thought, why not add these beauties on to the bandwagon?

The Thickening shampoo is probably the one I got the most use out of. I do like to switch my shampoo's and conditioners around from time to time, so I haven't used this all up in one run, will that give me the same thickening effect? I definitely feel the first day volume after using this shampoo, but nothing out of the ordinary (gotta be real).

I am actually still trying out the oil and I believe it does work, I apply it when needed after drying my hair and it definitely has volume, although I don't know down to what product precisely.

On to the Conditioner; I don't know if I am the ideal person to be reviewing this. To me, every conditioner feels the same, softening to the ends and little more. Is that just me? I feel as if conditioners have a lot of weight in them that is removing the volume or the thickness of the shampoo, as if maybe the Tresseme's reverse formula is the real way to do all conditioners, what are your opinions on conditioners?

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