My Dream Job - Ellie Marie

My Dream Job


When I was younger the dream job question used to pop up very frequently and I never knew what to answer as it would always change. My passions, my interests and my beliefs would all change at the press of a button and it wasn't anything I could control.
A few years down the line I have a good idea that I am a very creative person and that is something I would like to influence in my job. Modelling is something I have always had a massive passion about. When I was little I was approached by a modeling agency but my parents turned down the offer and I am forever wishing I could get a second chance. I am not a hugely confident person but there is something about modeling and photography that empowers me and makes me feel good.
In high school I always knew that modeling was something I loved and I wanted to possibly experience at sometime in my life but I never let anyone in on this as all models are looked at as these big headed arrogant people that most of them are actually not.
Ever since I left school I regretted not being open and honest about my beliefs, my opinion and my true self to people. I was scared of being judged when in reality, someone is always going to judge you on something and that is not something anyone can change. 
Recently, something in my mindset has clicked and I have now decided that its my life, therefore its my rules. Who cares what everyone else thinks? I have already taken a path in the right direction and I have seen huge results. This is only the beginning of hopefully something big
What have you always said you wanted to be when you were older? And, did you really? 

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