2016 - Ellie Marie



Although January 2016 feels a lifetime away, 2016 has flown by and I have learnt so many things.

I've started of this year with new resolutions and new perspectives of my 'goals' and new things I want to achieve.

For the first few months of last year I managed to keep up a diary which now looking back on makes me realize how much I have changed in these past twelve months, how much I have learnt and how I have different ambitions, interests and things I class as priorities.

Throughout 2016 I had so many regrets on opportunities I had knocked down in the past, the lack of studying I hadn't done when the chance was there and simply regrets on things that were out of my control and still are. This year, I only want to stress about the things that I actually can change and things that will matter in the current moment I am living on the near future.

2016 has been a roller coaster, I have grown closer to friends I thought I would never in a million years talk to after I left school, I have cut people out of my life who I have known longer than any other of my friends, I have got into fights with so many boys, I have cut people out of my life who simply don't make me happy and I have let people in and that is one of my most important achievements.

These past few years, I have gone through a lot of emotional 'teenager' crap and I have kept myself locked in my own body, I put on a front that I expected everyone to accept, I pretended to be the person I thought people wanted me to be and that got me nowhere. Now I have 'let myself out'. I have accepted myself and my imperfections, I speak what I want and sometimes I say too much. Way too much. I have learnt that being myself and being honest is what is going to make me happier and that is what matters the most (cringe).
One of my favorite quotes for the beginning of this year is 'It all ends in new beginnings' which if you know the song... I mean, you just know...  This year I want to live by that quote, be positive and just think that every time something comes to an end it is in order for another beginning. 

2016 was a huge year and lots of things happened but this year it is just going to get better, because we are going to make it better.

Here's to making 2017 amazing *raises a mug of hot chocolate*.

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