One Hell Of A Fussy Pussy - Ellie Marie

One Hell Of A Fussy Pussy


Having a cat is something I have never dreamed of as I was always scared of cats and their claws growing up (stupid, I know). Mid August 2016 my dogs encountered a little stray kitten who had severe cat flu, dehydration and its mummy had sadly given up on it in order to be able to dedicate most of her time and milk on her healthy kitten. In other words, I came across a poorly kitten that was at deaths doors. 

I took the kitten in thinking she wouldn't actually survive and if she did, I would find her a loving caring house which was very enthusiastic of me as all animal shelters in Spain are overflowing and nobody wanted a kitten and if they did, they didn't want a black one or just some problem or another. One thing led to another and she ended up spending most of her days in my room, chilling in my window or laying on my lap and the last thing I could possibly do was put her back out in the 'wild' or hand her in to a animal shelter that is already overloaded with unwanted pets to a severe case and seen as I cannot send her overseas in a jiffy bag nor to Hannah or to my Grandma, I think I am stuck with her. 

Meet Missy, my six month old Siamese cross kitten. Missy is one salmon loving hell of a fussy pussy. She has gone from a desperate street kitten to 'hell no I'm not eating that' in no time and only eats the jelly bit from cat meat and salmon pate that looks like baby poo (TMI) although she has no problem with the boring old biscuits. My Grandma says she has the same problem with her cats which is quite reassuring as I have never owned a cat before and all her behavior is quite new to me. If you are a cat lover, expert or owner and you can help me out when it comes to her and her meat please do, I have tried mixing her favourite (the poo one) with the jelly one but its just a no-go!

In terms of WC Missy has never had an accident out of her tray (and yet hasn't sprayed anywhere) which is amazing and I can even take her tray away for a couple of hours to wash and disinfect and it doesn't bother her at all, she makes me such a proud mama.

Like I mentioned, Missy was severely poorly when I took her in and she had what I diagnosed as cat flu. She would wake up every morning covered in snot and her eyes would be sealed shut with a layer of eye boogies. I honestly thought she was past saving point and seen as I didn't have the money to spend on her I just tried my best, bathing her everytime it was needed with slightly warm water and lost of TLC and as you can see it worked wonders for her.

Have you got any rescue pets? Also, if you have any other questions upon the topic be sure to ask me and I will help you out.

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