Things To Bare In Mind When Getting A Frenchie - Ellie Marie

Things To Bare In Mind When Getting A Frenchie


If you follow me on any of my other social media platforms, you will know I am a proud mummy of a french bulldog named Pepe. We adopted Pepe from a young couple who no longer could keep him due to his high maintenance and attention needs and their lack of time for him. Now we have had him for just over seven months I feel like I know him enough to be able to give anybody out there a guideline as to what to expect/look out for when getting a frenchie (or any other dog tbh).

First of all and the thing that is probably gonna knock you back the most is that frenchies have a lot of health problems, skin problems, allergies, etc... Obviously this is not the case for all french bulldogs but a good two out of three french bulldogs I know have suffered quite bad health issues in the first year of their lives.
Whilst we are on the "health" subject, french bulldogs need their creases cleaning out as frequently as possible. When we first got Pepe he had a bad infection on his facial creases/wrinkles due to being outside and in the dirt so we covered him in Sudacrem and Vaseline every night and it cured them perfectly.

Another thing to bare in mind is that they are not the "easy going, perfect flat dogs", personally, I would class them quite far from that.
1.- They stink and fart 24/7.
2.- They are extremely clingy and attention seeking. 
3.- They need a lot of exercise. 
4.- They drool everywhere.
5.- They are a lot stronger than they even know themselves. Be careful with them around small children or pets.
6.- They are very protective. 
5.- They are lovely and will steal your heart and soul. While the above covers the difficulties you may encounter while having a frenche, I can't even put into words the joy, the love and entertainment you will get from these little slobber faces. Pepe has more personality than most humans. There is never a day that goes by where he doesn't make us laugh. He is the most loving little dog and we most definitely will love him forever. 

Here are some adorable photos of Pepe for you to drool over! 

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