COVID-19 😷


It has been seven days. Just one week since the whole of Spain has been put into lockdown and I cannot bare the thought of one more day stuck in my house.
Today, I had the biggest panic attack I've had in months because of this whole panorama. How has just one week passed? 😩 How can we possibly face three more like this? Yes, if you didn't know, the lockdown has been prolonged another two unbearable weeks... I, among with thousands of other employers, have lost my job. I have a rent to pay and no income and it is one of my biggest issues at the moment.

This morning I read a post by @frassyaudrey:

I have nothing positive to say.I wish I did. I go from keeping busy – stuffing my groin with my bouquetes of flowers 💐 or pouring coffee onto cardboard...
to working out like a maniac (seriously suprised I haven't pulled a muscle yet...) and then when I am exhausted of these activities, I'll cry into a glass of wine or into the phone to my parents. 🍷
Today Spain announced our lockdown will be prolonged another two weeks, until mid April. The economy here will be in ruins, it already was pre-corona. This puts my brand into serious jeopardy. This means I likely won't be able to produce
clothes or even pay my team in the months to come. I love my team – they are a family to me and to even have to discuss this with them is breaking my heart. I and so many
others are facing a wave of financial problems. I worry for this country. I worry for the global economies. I worry for the poverty that is already happening because of this.
I worry for the people who have much less than I do. And I worry about the morale of the world when the economy plummets into a recession. So nope, nothing positive to say... the
“we are all in this together” and “the world stayed at home and read books blah blah blah” was lovely at the beginning, but nope, I don't see the silver lining here. I see
increased poverty on a massive scale. I see millions of people losing their jobs. I see so much struggle ahead for us all. And if you don't want to hear this, I understand but I've always expressed what I feel here and this is no exception. I'm certainly
not defeated yet but I am not as hopeful as I once was. And, if you are struggling in any way too and simply need to vent to someone other than the people you are in lock down with, send me a message. I have all the time in the world to vent with you. ❤️

This is the most real thing I have read in a long time. Audrey has read my thoughts and printed them out in a way I could not.

Another more positive post I read this morning and can't not share is from @leilastead and I love this! Just wish my anxiety would let me rest and think more positively about eveything as it is expressed in this text.

I can't wait until a years time, when all of this is a distant memory and there is a corona baby boom because all the lovers were loving. ❤️
There will be a rise in small buisnesses because all the entrepreneurs had a moment of stillness and creativity. 📝
And all the children remember nothing but a time when all the mums and dads were at home drawing and playing board games and we remember it as the time we all got to stop and be present. ✏️
We will remember the time our health was our first priority and people learnt new ways to use fresh produce to feed their families and we were forced to think
outside the box and dream up new things, and reinvent old ways and for once even amongst the chaos there was community, there was a global rise in togetherness and the streets were quiet but our houses were bustling with love and laughter. 🍎
This time is coming soon, like other crises before it, this will be a distant
memory; a thing we soon listen to our children discuss in classrooms – a once was that we share with our grand babies.
So to you – I know it is unsettling but focus on the silver lining, we are in this together and there is so much beauty to see. ✨

Isn't it beautiful? Let's just try our best and stick by this text, forget the previous and battle through like the troops we are! 💪🏼
This is just a passing crisis and we have to pick up the pieces as they are thrown at us I guess. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Sorry for the slightly negative comeback (at least I did the postive bit at the end, hey!). I'm just having one of those days today, soz.
Love you, L x

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