Zalfie. Chapter One. - Ellie Marie

Zalfie. Chapter One.


As I wasn't quite sure what to blog about today, I thought on uploading a 'Chapter' of a Novel, a Fan-fiction, I'm not even sure what this is going to be. Don't worry, I am aware that I am no good at writing fan-fictions and it will not be a regular thing. 
Without further interruption, here goes! 

'Gooooood morning guys!' I hear Alfie roaring into his camera. 'I've just let Nala out, here she is, are you alright baby?' He says while stroking her head 'And now I'm going to just have a little cereal bar snack before I wake Zoe up and make us some breakfast.' 
'What time is it?' I manage to get it out of me, I didn't really know if I wanted to hear an answer, if he said seven I would be miffed that I had been woken up, and if he said eleven I would be miffed he didn't wake me up earlier so I could film my video.
'Mmmm, quarter past two' Seriously? What? I look at him and he is grinning at me with his cheeky little smile still with his camera turned facing him and then he laughs cuddling me 'I'm only joking, its quarter to nine, did you sleep okay?' 
'Your so stupid' I laugh covering my face with the blankets and we just lay there for the next fifteen minutes talking to his vlog until I am to desperate for a wee to stay in bed anymore. 
At half nine Alfie heads off to the gym with his trainer so I decide to have a bath while Nala takes her morning nap and then I film my 'Lush Haul Video'. 
'Gorgeous, I'm back and look what I brought you!' I hear Alfie shout to me from downstairs so I leave my laptop on the bed and go downstairs to see him. 
'Oh Alfie, you didn't need to' I say looking at all the cupcakes he'd bought me. 
'Now I really want to eat one but I can't because of the 90 day challenge.'
'I know, now poor old me is going to have them all.' I joke whilst wrapping my arms round his waist giving him a cuddle. 'Eeew your all sweaty and warm.' I laugh but I still don't stop hugging him, he wouldn't even smell bad if he was pouring with sweat lucky bugger! 
'What did you do while I was out?' He laughs giving me a kiss on the forehead.
'I filmed a video and I skyped Louise.' 
'Oh, I need to film a video before we go to mum and dad's!' he says looking quite worried.
'I know, I told you that last night.' I laugh looking at his face expression. 'Let's film one together then, we could do the 1,2,3 tag or something.' 
'Yeah, cool!' he says and I can gradually see that lovely smile appearing back on his face.
'Well, you go have a shower and get changed and I'll just change my top.' I suggest giving him a peck on the lips and he nods and gives me one back before heading upstairs whilst vlogging and takes a shower. 
After filming Alfie's video we head over to his parents house and we have our lunch there with them and Poppy, Sean and Buzz and after having a really chilled doggy afternoon with them we head off home and get to our beds.

I'm so sorry I cut the story short at the end, I was in a hurry and didn't know what I could put, what did you think? Maybe I will do an in-depth one about the day after, who knows? Tell me in the comments if you enjoyed it and if you would like to see more! Xxx

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