Forever and a day: JLS.
15:47 I've always been a massive sucker for boybands and ladbands as long as I can remember, and personally, it wasn't because of their physique. It all started of when my brother brought home the busted CD's and collection books from a car boot sale and I used to sit looking at the photos whilst listening to the CD's, I remember my favorite song being Year 3000, what a hit.
After Busted, I grew to love McFly and I still do today, I am so proud of where the boys have got to and I still can't believe Harry is expecting his first baby and Tom his second!
Anyway, this post is about JLS. JLS came to my life as did both of these other bands, but it was different. I would stay up watching the XFactor just to watch them and I become a true fangirl. I also screamed out to the TV saying 'Its him of Fun Song Factory!' but obviously, nobody would believe me.
Up until today, I still have their notifications turned on, Aston still is my fave and I still cry and feel like I'm PMTing every time another year is added to they're split.
These boys deserve everything they have achieved and more and I will forever be grateful to them.