My fears.
Recently I feel like I'm scared about a lot of things. I'm worried and I'm nervous and I'm scared about committing to things. I feel like I spend half my time worrying and being scared, when really I should be putting that time into doing the thing I'm scared of.
I am really scared that I am going to fail doing whatever I'm doing now, whatever I'm doing in life. Anything I choose to do, I always think I am going to fail at it and I'm going to end up doing something I don't want to do.
Another thing that scares me is the fact that I don't know what I want to do. I know what I like, but I don't know what I want and feel capable of sticking to.
The third thing is that all my friends are really successful, and I don't feel like I'm successful, and I know that takes time and work and effort, but even if I did all that, I don't think like I could reach success. I am surrounded by people who know what they want, are either doing what they want or achieving it and I put a massive amount of pressure on myself which I guess is both a good thing and a bad thing. A good thing because it helps me push myself and do things I'm passionate about, but a negative because now I'm scaring myself.
And the fourth thing, I don't only feel like I don't know what to do career wise, sometimes I just don't know what I'm doing with my time, my life, or anything.
So I guess the thing to take from this, is that you can be scared of a lot of things, you can be scared about your work, your friends, what you are going to do with your life, but ultimately, that's what I guess makes life entertaining, because you don't know whats going to happen next and sometimes you have to take a gamble. So being scared shouldn't be a thing you be ashamed of scared of to some degree.
What are you scared of? Are you scared of something more simple such as snakes or spiders? So am I. I am also afraid of the doctors and dentists. I always remember my mum telling me that when I was little (about 4 years old) they would have to wait for me to fall asleep in my pram before cutting my hair at the hairdressers because of how stressed out and anxious I would get, so is that maybe one of your fears?