


First of all I wanted to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all the super-mummy's out there, and all the mummy's to-be, you are all doing a great job! 

Being a mum, must be one of the most tough and terrifying yet amazing experiences, I imagine, as well as being one of the most surreal and exhausting ones. You can't just wait around nine months until your customized baby arrives, decide you don't like it, or it isn't your cup of tea and get rid, it is a very big responsibility. A responsibility that could cost you 60 years of your life if your not careful. 

I know about 5 teenagers of my age and younger (16 or 17) that are pregnant, or that even already have a child, and although they are happy, and excited and in love with there little one, deep down they must regret it. They haven't even had a life yet, they haven't stopped relying on there parents yet, they probably haven't even been with there boyfriend enough time to know them in the right way, or even to know any different or if indeed they would love someone else more than him. I don't mean that in a bitchy way, I just mean that I don't believe you should stay with the first person you "love" when at this age, you don't even know the true meaning of the word. I think you should go out, and have fun, travel the world, with your loved one if that may please you, or simply just with a couple of your friends.

I don't know where I was trying to go in that last paragraph seen as I was changing the topic of this post a bit, but I simply want to wish a special Mother's Day to every single mum of every single age and nationality, and thank them for helping to create this "wonderful" world. 

Lastly, I am just going to dedicate a quick paragraph to my mum, the best mum I could of asked for, and I want to thank her for staying strong even though me and my brother can be quite unbearable (especially my brother) and I also want to thank her for always being there through thick and thin, and thanks to her I am the person I am today. I wouldn't change you for the world mum! Xx 

Thanks for reading! E xx

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