My YouTube channel.
16:30 Firstly, I want to say thank you to all of you who have stayed by me and followed me although I've failed to upload trillions of videos I've promised, and here I am going to tell you the reasons on why they didn't make it to the big internet world and I really hope you'll understand and be there for me although I'm not as good as my expectations at the things I love doing.
So, for making a YouTube video, there are some fundamental instructions that you need to take in mind and for me personally, they aren't easy. First, I need to pick the right time, a time when my brother (or any other member of my family) aren't going to barge in and interrupt me every ten minutes, and a time that you can't hear GTA playing in the room next door and lots of teenage boys laughing and joking along. Another fact that I highly take in mind is lighting, you need either a decent amount of natural day light (which I don't get in my bedroom, due to the fact there is a massive tree right in front of my window), or a nice pair of fluorescent lights that they sell at a camera shop (which I haven't got the money for at the moment), and one of the other worries that I have, coming to the time of filming a video, or attempting to is balancing boxes on top of books, on top of more boxes and on a chair (that happens to be a desk chair, that spins) and then trying to balance your camera on top, and straighten it out to what looks like an even angle, and then sitting down and struggling to make sure if you should add another book or take one away. To finish it off, there is the editing, once I have filmed, or atempted to film a video, I sit back the next day and open it in MovieMaker to atempt to edit it, and then it starts, I start cutting away, and cutting away, the lighting starts changing, my mum keeps on shouting at a dog in the background, I keep cringing at myself until I get to the part of the video when I start introducing products or clothes, and then I have to turn it off, I can't deal with so much cringiness. Watching Zoella's videos isn't good for me, it makes my expectations be so high up, but then I watch other videos, like Bianca's who doesn't use lighting, or a camera and that brings me down yet again, she's beautiful, she doesn't edit ANYTHING throughout all her video.
So as a summary of everything I just wrote above and the real meaning of this post, once I start filming a video, I just end up rubbing it off, but this time I'm not, I am going to film an outdoors video, in full sunny daylight, I am going to laugh at myself editing it and I am going to upload it. So you heard it, or read it here first, I AM REALLY SORRY FOR WHAT MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL MIGHT TURN INTO but it needs to happen, if it doesn't happen now, it never will, I will never start uploading, and it will always just be the one Ellie and Laila video.
Thank you again, for reading and just being there, and hopefully I will see you soon with another post about my video.
For those of you who might want to follow my so interesting YouTube, here's the link. Until next time, E. xx