16:44 - What are you naming your guinea pigs?
To be honest, I still don't even know, so if you have any cute ideas, please please please help me out!
- Are you doing Vlogmas?
Well this is a bit in advance isn't it? But yes, I probably will do vlogmas this time, yes.
- Favorite song at the moment?
Right right now, I am listening to Sugar by Maroon 5 I am obsessed, but I also love the Mcbusted songs (all of them to be precise), and Maroon 5's other song Maps, is also great.
- What was your favorite TV show as a child?
I used to completely love 100% Tracy Beaker (I have watched ever single episode, even the Tracy Beaker Returns), Arthur, Pingu, the Tweenies, the berenstain bears, my parents are aliens, Mary-Kate and Ashley, Memrie the vampire, and I'm not quite sure of any others right now.
- If you could choose, who would be with you in the CBB house?
I would pick: Zoe Sugg (and any other Youtuber), Peter Andre, Dougie Poynter (or any other McBusted singer), Ellie Goulding, Aston Merrygold, Joe Swash, Alan Carr and Keith Lemon (for the LOL's) and I can't think of anyone else.
- If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I would travel to LA, Florida, Paris, Australia, Germany, Italy, all over England and Ireland, and I can't think of any more countries.
- Would you rather not have a Starbucks for 6 months or have to baby sit an anoying girl for 6 months?
Deffinetly not have a Starbucks for 6 months because here where I live in Spain you can't get them anyway, so it would not be a difficult task for me anyway.
- In the future where do you see yourself moving to?
I won't say move, but I would love to travel, and maybe spend some time in London or Brighton or just somewhere in England.
- What are your goals for 2015?
Firstly, I would love to travel more, even if it is only around Spain or around my city area, but it would be a great start, and secondly, to be happy with myself, and also to get fit (or fitter).
-Who are your favorite YouTubers at the moment?
My favorite youtubers at the moment are Zoe Sugg, Alfie Deyes, The Saccone Joly's, the Michalaks, Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee, Oli White, Louise, Louis Cole (aka FunForLouis) and I don't know, basically all the British Youtubers.
- If you were to have any Youtuber as a sister, brother, mum and dad, who would they be?
Well Anna and Jonathan would just have to be my parents, so Eduardo and Emilia would technically be my brother and sister, but apart from them, FunForLouis would be a great brother, and Zoe would have to be my sister.
- You get stuck in a lift for two days, which two people and two things would you take with you?
I would take Zoe and Alfie, just because I could, and they would make me laugh! And I would take my camera or phone to take selfies, and some water would probably be good.
- If you had to choose from the Kardashian's, who's bum, who's boobs, who's boyfriend, who's hair and who's face would you want?
Okay, this is a good question, I would want Kim's bum and boobs, Kourtney's boyfriend, Khloe's hair and either Kendall or Kim's face.
- What nationality are you?
I'm English, but I have been brought up in Spain since I was six.
- If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?
This is a hard one because I love nearly every animal, I think I'd have an anteater or a baby gorila, but I'd be scared of it when it was big so that wouldn't be a good idea.
- Marry, kiss and be friends with: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik.
I would marry Zayn (obviously), kiss Harry and be friends with Louis.
- If you could be given any present in the world what would it be?
I would just really like a puppy, or several of them, but I've already got to many dogs so that isn't going to happen.
- If you could marry anyone in the world who would it be?
This is probably the least expected person, but Peter Andre, because I've always had a masive obsession with him, and he is just such a nice person, and so caring and such a good dad, I LOVE HIMMMMM.
-If you could marry any other Youtuber who would it be?
It would have to be Jack Harries from JacksGap, just because I can't break up Zalfie or Narcus can I?