Memories - Ellie Marie



          This is a notebook filled with ramblings and scribblings from last year.

          This is a handmade bracelet given to me a year ago.

          And this is a picture I took whilst I was on holiday a couple of weeks ago.
          All of these things have one thing in common, and that is that they are all memories. 

          But we all know there are definitions much simpler than the word its-self. Everything we see around us carries a memory and it is kind of hard not be nostalgic about things and sometimes it is easy to just fall in the past and hold on to it rather than just moving on and it is hard because literally everything has a memory attached to it. 

          This pare of cute "jelly" shoes.

          This pair of old trousers.

          Even a song by Ed Sheeran can take you back to a time and a place.
          My biggest issue is that I live to much in the past. I look at all these possessions whenever I am down or upset and I think how happy I was, and I forget that in the future there will be more memories to be had, ones that are probably more happy and positive than the previous ones. That being sad, sometimes your memories can haunt you, and sometimes I can be looking through old pictures and things and I'm almost haunted by how things were, and in that case you almost want to just forget and want to not think about it.
          So memories are a tricky thing, you either love them in such way you even want to try and relive them, or you just hate a memory and you want nothing more than to just move on and forget a memory.
          When you think about it, everything is just a memory. A minute goes by, and then an hour and then a day and then that's in the past and that's a memory. Sometimes it is hard to not look back at the past and not feel some kind of sadness, but it is important to remember that everything we have been through defines us in some way, good or bad it has made us the person we are today.
          Don't let the past haunt you, let it guide you and help you in the future. Learn from your mistakes so you don't do them again. And the thing about this blog is that it is just going to be another memory in your head, but I hope it is a good thing and kind of a positive one.
          Anyway, that is just what I've been thinking of today. Leave a comment telling me what you think about memories and how you think you should move on from the past, and as usual if you like the blog please go ahead and share it, and I will hopefully see you guys soon. Bye bye Xx

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