YouTube. - Ellie Marie



         YouTube has played a major part in my life since probably mid-2014. I remember somehow rocking up on Rebecca Ellie's channel and she became one of my first ever favorite Youtubers along side Bianca, at the time they both had probably around 4k subscribers and I remember I used to stalk them on a daily basis.
         In one of Rebecca's videos I remember her mentioning Zoella as one of her favorite YouTubers so I decided to google her and started off watching one of her Primark Hauls and then somehow I ended up on her vlog channel and then Playlist live with the British Gang, Troye, Tyler, Joey Graceffa, Miranda Sings and so one until I just got addicted. All I did back then was either school or swimming pool, YouTube, eat, YouTube, eat, sleep, YouTube and so on.
         I remember being a time when I was obsessed with Jack and Finn and I would watch their videos on repeat. Fun fact: I've watched their Rickshaw Run videos about three times and I'm not even guilty.
         During the end of 2014 I decided to upload my first ever video to YouTube being the Furry Friend Tag with Laila (which is still currently on my channel), I did actually film a haul and some kind of Halloween video before then but I never built up the courage to upload either of those. After uploading my first ever video with Laila I remember being getting really nice comments from my Intenet Friends and an amazing feedback and I never really worried about my "school friends" or "real life people" as my mum likes to call them and what they would say if they saw it. (Two years later and my brother is the only person who has seen / found my videos and I truly think it is only because he lives with me.)
         Since then I never really uploaded until October 2015 and I remember I pre-filmed about 7 videos for the whole week I was away in Portugal and I loved it, ever since I haven't given up although I do lack inspiration sometimes and struggle producing content, but every time I look and see that over 1000 let alone 100 people have seen potential and subscribed to my channel I feel so happy and so proud of myself in my own little way.
         I know I don't say it enough but I am so thankful to every single one of you who make me have a smile on my face everyday and support me through thick and thin. Thanks to YouTube I have met some amazing people who will hopefully forever be in my life, and as cringy as it may sound, thanks to YouTube I am now happy again. In 2014 I was going through a really rough time and knowing I could just switch off life and fall back on YouTube to make me laugh and smile really helped me out. Believe it or not, YouTube is an amazing platform and it has helped so many people and I just hope it continues this way for a long long time.
         To end of, here is a list of my most watched YouTubers at the moment (embrace yourself, there are quite a few, also, I have linked their main channels, but I'm loving the vlogs more):

Thanks again, you are amazing! xx

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