2015 - Ellie Marie



     Yes, you read it right, on the 25th of January I have randomly written a blog post to wish you all a good 2015.
     Mine has started off pretty well, in 25 days I have been noticed by Romeo Lacoste about three times, I have gained a follow from James Yammouni, Rebecca Fox reblogged one of my posts, I have gained 150 notes on one of my own photos on tumblr, therealblasian followed me in 2014 but I have only just realized she also answered my direct message, Steven Dartle noticed me AGAIN, Stef, Hannah and Alfie all noticed me and liked my YouTube video and last but not least, neither Aston Merrygold or JJ have yet unfollowed me on twitter.
     And all that is without mentioning the fact that I have finally started focusing on my future and what I need in life, and by this I mean that I am not going to let 2015 be like last year, I now know who I need in my life and who I don't, and lets call this year 'the change'.
This year I am going to be changing to a better me, a more grown up me some of you may prefer to say. I shall tell you:
          1. I am finishing school in June (hopefully). This means I should stick in and get studying for the last strech.
          2. I am 18 this year. This means people are going to expect more from me and I am going to make them proud (or at least try)
          3. I am moving house. No, I am not moving out. Not yet. My parents and me have decided it will be better if we move to a town nearer to my dads job, so he doesn't have to spend a whole weekend away from home, especially as he isn't getting younger. This means lots of new oportunities for me like new people or new friends, a job, a car maybe and just a chance for us all to start from zero. The only problem is my brother doesn't want to move. He doesn't want to move anywhere away from his girlfriend even though he hasn't got a car, job, money, he basically has no way of living on his own. I just hope this doesn't ruin it for us.
     The problem with the house we are living in now is lack of neighbors that my mum can talk to and go out with so she can have a laugh and a normal life, I don't tend to go out either, I just stay at home on the internet and my dad is always working, so that means he isn't at home. The house has got a brilliant pool and a good sized land, but it is so big it just needs so much money and time spending on it so it could feel like a home, and we aren't prepared to do that as it is a rented property.
     Anyway, I am not quite sure how I got into that deep property talk, but all I was wanting to say is that I am going to make the most of this year and film as much as possible of it so I can make it one to remember, and hopefully the one when my life gets better.
     Until soon, Ellie x

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