Out growing friends. - Ellie Marie

Out growing friends.


     No, I'm not talking in terms of size or height, or anything physical. I'm talking about outgrowing personally, mentally or even emotionally.
     Every type of relationship is a journey not a destination and as we change and grow as a person due to experiences or situations that life brings to us, sometimes, instead of bringing people closer, we push them away.
     The thing is, people change.
     Out growing someone doesn't mean you are above them or better than them, it just means that you are in different stages of life. 
     I'll be the first to admit I've felt compromised into a relationship, either because of the past or because of the memories I've felt forced to forgive someone.
     It is 100% OK for this to happen. However, for some the idea that your friendship with someone is not what it once was can be a sad prospect, maybe they saw you through a rough time and you appreciate it, but are they really worth it?
     Let me just say, a few years ago, I had a lot of 'best friends', or even 'close friends', or 'friends I met through other friends' and so on. It made me feel good to have so many friends, because I could always go out, or meet up with someone. Eventually, this all began to change. Those who I concidered my close friends began to distance, everyone went there separate ways, they started changing, there was now the drunk friend, the angry friend, the friend that only texted me when they needed something, the hating friend.. I think you get the idea. I went through a period of self-reflection and asked myself if it was perhaps me.
     Well, let me just say I was wrong. There was nothing wrong with me, I was growing up. Everyone gets to a point in life where they face decisions, and for some reason friendships are the most difficult. But for me, they weren't true friendships in the true concept of the word. Little by little I began cutting ties to people who no longer made sence in my life.
     This year my priorities began to shift and I couldn't and wouldn't  let myself deal with bullshit no longer. In my opinion, the best thing of being self-aware, is you begin to see through peoples bullshit faster than ever. Unfortunately, most people aren't self-aware and refuse to accept their issues. But I, have made the conscious effort to keep the people that are good for me, close, and those who aren't, as far away as possible. I don't believe for a second that because I was once friends with someone they should still feel entitled to my friendship now. 
     What about you, have you been through anything like this? xx

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