Spanish Drugstore Makeup Review
This week I thought I'd do a little review post about my Spanish drugstore makeup essentials I've been trying out and using this month.
I've been using all three of these eye liners, depending on what makeup look I've been going for, but I have especially been loving the liquid one, just because it is really easy to apply, it has a great consistency throughout the day and it is easy to remove without smudging all over my face.
This Rimmel makeup concealer can be found at nearly any drugstore or makeup section of a supermarket without having to search high and low, for me personally, it isn't the best, it doesn't do a great cover up and it doesn't last forever, but again, nothing personal that's only my own, true opinion.
This Markwins International pallet was given to me for my birthday a couple of years ago, and I hadn't looked at it twice in all that time. I love the fact that it is full of nude-ish tones, and that it is lightweight and great for traveling because it has everything you need like lip gloss, eye shadow, bronze powder, brushes and a HUGE mirror, and it isn't to big so it can easily fit in your handbag.
These three Bobby Pin makeup brushes were also given to me last year and I never touched them and now I can't even put them down, they are great blenders, they don't leave bristles all over your face and the pattern on them mixed with the rose gold works wonders.
Both these Italian make Astra bronze and translucent powder, were on a 2x1 sale at my local drugstore last month and I couldn't resist trying them (and a few more of the range) out and they haven't disappointed me although I had never herd of the make before, I definitely recommend you to try some of there products.
This lovely packaging definitely makes up for the Deliplus Mascara, I have to say it isn't my cup of tea. It does give you lovely, outstanding eyelashes, but only for a couple of hours, this mascaras consistency isn't great and it isn't easy to remove, unless you leave it to do it itself and it just dissolves into tiny black dots all over your face.
Lastly, these Astor pastel nail varnishes are my lifesaver. I LOVE THEM. They are ever lasting, they are thick coated, cheap and pastel, what else can I say?
What about you? What drugstore makeup essentials do you love and recomend me?
Until next time, Ellie Xx