19:35 Yes, I know. "Where have you been?" Is that what you are wondering? I know I have been distant from many social medias (some more than others) for the last couple of months, and it has all been due to schoolwork and travelling.
If I could give any of you one pinch of advise for this summer, it is to travel. You don't have to go far and spend a lot of money, but just get out and go somewhere out of your comfort-zone, go somewhere new, somewhere you've never been before and explore. Just turn off your phone and have the time of your life or even just the day of your life.
A couple of weeks ago I left my house to go out and travel and one of the places I went to was Granada. It isn't far from where I live, just about two hours to be exact, but still I had one of the greatest times and I can't wait to go again and I totally recommend to you or anyone you know to disconnect and get on a couple of hours bus journey (that only cost me 18 euros both ways) and just have a good time.