Travel. - Ellie Marie



          Yes, I know. "Where have you been?" Is that what you are wondering? I know I have been distant from many social medias (some more than others) for the last couple of months, and it has all been due to schoolwork and travelling.
          If I could give any of you one pinch of advise for this summer, it is to travel. You don't have to go far and spend a lot of money, but just get out and go somewhere out of your comfort-zone, go somewhere new, somewhere you've never been before and explore. Just turn off your phone and have the time of your life or even just the day of your life.
          A couple of weeks ago I left my house to go out and travel and one of the places I went to was Granada. It isn't far from where I live, just about two hours to be exact, but still I had one of the greatest times and I can't wait to go again and I totally recommend to you or anyone you know to disconnect and get on a couple of hours bus journey (that only cost me 18 euros both ways) and just have a good time.

Here's a picture of me looking down at a river (with water in it) I state that due to the fact that where I live there aren't any rivers with water in and they are all as dry as a desert. 

These are a couple of pictures from a bakery's we bought a fruit salad from to share and is was delicious.

This picture is the most tumblr-ish I am most proud of as I uploaded it to tumblr in a cropped symmetrical square and oh my god...

(The Castle of Granada aka Alhambra).

We had the loveliest couscous and croquetas for dinner at a old typical Spanish bar to the sound of people singing and dancing (I've got it all on a vlog).

These two last pictures are from the medieval part of Granada, I'm still not sure what part I loved more seen as all of it was very lovely and touristic.
If you would like to follow me round Granada on my vlog, check out my Vlog Channel and hopefully the video will be up there soon.
I hope you liked this weeks blog and hopefully I get back into a little "Blog Routine" again. Love youuuuuuu xxx

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