Follow your heart
"We gain strength, courage and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do all that we think we cannot." - Eleanor Roosevelt.
Our society today is driven by our minds, our fears and our ego. We do not place as much value and emphasis on passion, love and spiritual purpose. Instead, it is all about the external success, money, security, stability and reputation, and as a result many of us do not feel it is important to tune in to our hearts and hear what it wants. We are too busy trying to get ahead and make something of ourselves in this world.
This is why when you attempt to start following your heart, your head will be really quick to doubt your actions. This fearful mind, also called your ego, will bring up all the reasons why you cannot do what you desire. It will trigger memories and feelings from the past that add such power to the case you decide that it is better to just stay where you are.
"The path that your heart calls you towards may be an unconventional one. It may be scary and involve taking risks. Following your heart often requires us to take a detour from the well trodden path, and rebel from societal or family expectations in order to find our inner fulfillment, although it can be a long and lonely road at the beginning."
Often, your heart's desire may mean that you have to go against what your family wants for you, or what your friends expect of you. It may mean facing your fears and doing something you love, yet are petrified of at the same time. It may mean that you have to do something different than what others want you to do. It may mean learning to listen to a deep inner voice, rather than the loud forceful voice of the outer world.
The decision to follow your heart is a journey. If you have been living a life that is not heart driven, the decision to follow your heart will most likely turn your world upside down. It may be a scary road, but that is what life is all about.
People have these amazing, beautiful dreams and desires, but they ignore them to such a point they tell themselves they can never have them. For most people, it is much easier to live in denial than to actually face what it is they really want. They would rather pretend they are happy with what they have and justify to themselves that their inner dreams are not really that important anyway.
Don't you think it is time you were honest with yourself? Time to find out what you really want from life and stop pretending? xx