You do you. - Ellie Marie

You do you.


If you've followed me on my blog for a few months, you will have read one of my most common posts called Follow Your Heart and just for in case you haven't you can read it here.

Since about June, July this year I have been loving everything makeup and fashion and I have been loving watching my makeup drawer grow, but that doesn't change the fact that I still have 5 guinea pigs, 5 dogs and 3 birds and neither does it change the fact that I sit around in pijamas all day everyday.

So far you will be wondering where on earth I am going with this, I'm not quite sure myself but its something like "do what makes you happy and do what makes you you", by this, I mean be a "country bumpkin" as my mum calls me, be a fashionista and do your makeup four times a day, do motorcycling, do Youtube, role around in mud even if that's what makes YOU happy.

In life we tend to let our lives be led by other peoples opinions and we shouldn't be, on the opposite, we should let our lives be led by what makes us happy and things we are passionate about. 

The main thing you have to learn in life, and especially as a teenager is to stop caring what people think about you, because that's just going to hold you back from being who you are. People are ALWAYS going to have opinions on who you should be, but there's only one person who can actually choose that, and that is you, no ones comments define who you are. 

You are you, don't change that or hide that to please other people.

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